OP-ED'S & INTERVIEWSFINANCIAL TIMES: Geoengineering is worth the risk — provided we regulate it properly
OP-ED'S & INTERVIEWSDAILY MAVERICK: Tensions over fossil fuel phase-outs increase risk of climate overshoot
OP-ED'S & INTERVIEWSSOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: Climate change-all possible solutions should be explored, but with caution
OP-ED'S & INTERVIEWSL'EXPRESS:"Dépasser la barre de 1,5 °C est possible, avec des effets potentiellement dramatiques"
OP-ED'S & INTERVIEWSFolha de Sao Paolo: "Conciliar economia e pauta climática exige abertura para ideias heterodoxas"
IN THE NEWSMoment.At: Warum Geoengineering ein gefährliches Versprechen von Reichen, Ölkonzernen und ÖVP ist