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SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: Climate change-all possible solutions should be explored, but with caution
Opinion piece by Commissioner Xue Lan 16 November 2023 The landmark Paris Agreement of 2015 set a goal of limiting global warming to...
LE MONDE: OP-ED Commissioner's Pascal Lamy, Kim Campbell and Anote Tong
« Le dépassement climatique temporaire n’est plus une hypothèse incertaine, et nous devons nous y préparer » La probabilité que le...
ECONOMIST: Solar geoengineering is becoming a respectable idea
One way to fix an accidentally altered climate is to alter it again deliberately 22 November 2023 What a difference a decade makes. That,...
Die Freie Welt: Viele Klima-Wissenschaftler sagen nicht die Wahrheit
By Anthony Watts 12 October 2023 Seit der vom Menschen verursachte Klimawandel zum Thema geworden ist, haben Klimawissenschaftler...
Le Voci Di Dentro: Surriscaldamento globale: troppo pericoloso oscurare il Sole
By Girolamo Castaldo 8 October 2023 Nel suo rapporto, la Climate Overshoot Commission mette in guardia contro i rischi dell’utilizzo...
L'EXPRESS:"Dépasser la barre de 1,5 °C est possible, avec des effets potentiellement dramatiques"
- dit Pascal Lamy En exclusivité pour L’Express, le président de la Commission sur le dépassement climatique ébauche une stratégie face à...
WBUR: Many scientists don’t want to tell the truth about climate change. Here’s why:
By Barbara Moran. 3 October 2023 In March, the United Nations released a massive climate change report. The biggest takeaway: Global...
Folha de Sao Paolo: "Conciliar economia e pauta climática exige abertura para ideias heterodoxas"
- diz ex-diretor da OMC By Alex Sabino 2 October 2023 O francês Pascal Lamy, 76, tem três explicações para conseguir encaixar tantas...
Moment.At: Warum Geoengineering ein gefährliches Versprechen von Reichen, Ölkonzernen und ÖVP ist
By Lukas Bayer 2 October 2023 Geoengineering spaltet die Wissenschaft Anfang Februar haben sich mehr als 100 Wissenschafter:innen in...
The Hindu - Business Line: Clean facts about climate overshoot
Experts fear that extended periods of overshoot will have serious dangerous outcomes on several ecosystems By: The Hindu Business Line...
CAIXIN: WTO前总干事:气候过冲风险要求减排、适应、碳移除并重文|财新 王力为
By Wang Liwei | 23 September 2023 【财新网】“各国国内形势及贸易摩擦掣肘带来的气候过冲风险之下,应对全球温升超过《巴黎协定》呼吁水平需要利用所有可用之策。”世贸组织(WTO)前总干事拉米(Pascal...
THE HINDU: Keep calm: On solar radiation management
The enormity of climate change is no excuse to resort to risky mitigation strategies By The Hindu | 21 September 2023 India had...
TABLE CLIMATE: Experten fordern Moratorium und Forschung für Geoengineering
By Table Climate | 21 September 2023 Wie soll die Welt reagieren, wenn die Erderwärmung die 1,5 Grad Celsius überschreitet? Auf...
RADIO MONTECARLO: هل مشاريع الهندسة الجيولوجية الشمسية لتبريد الأرض قابلة للتنفيذ؟
By Eli Ayoub | 19 September 2023 هل مشاريع الهندسة الجيولوجية الشمسية لتبريد الأرض قابلة للتنفيذ؟ في تقرير أصدرته لجنة " Climate...
THE HINDU: Risky geoengineering should be banned, climate group says
Potentially dangerous experimental geoengineering methods - including controversial "solar radiation modification" - need to be halted By...
COSMOS: Eminent global group says we’re headed for overshoot
By Ian Mannix | 19 September 2023 A new eminent person council on climate change has warned that there is an “alarmingly high” risk...
VISIR: Rannsaka óvissuþætti við að skjóta brennisteinsögnum í heiðhvolfið
By Hólmfríður Gísladóttir | 18 September 2023 Við Institute for Futures Studies í Svíþjóð er nú verið að byggja upp þverfaglegt...
ULTIMA EDIZIONE: Verso il boom dell’estrazione di petrolio. La “truffa” climatica
By Ultima Edizione | 18 Septembre 2023 Un rapporto diffuso da Oil Change International (CLICCA QUI), dal titolo emblematico...
L'ALSACE: Pourquoi le développement de la géo-ingénierie inquiète
Une commission recommande l’adoption d’un moratoire sur ces technologies qui pourraient théoriquement permettre de réduire le...
TIME: Some Politicians Want to Research Geoengineering as a Climate Solution. Scientists Are Worried
By ALEJANDRO DE LA GARZA and JUSTIN WORLAND | 18 September 2023 Stratospheric aerosol injection, the idea of spraying sulfur dioxide...
SOLARIFY: Klimakrise befeuert Geo-Engineering-Diskussion
By Solarify | 17 September 2023 Climate Overshoot Comission fordert vorläufigen Stopp von Experimenten mit bestimmten...
THE SUNDAY TIMES: The climate radicals who want to cool the planet with space mirrors and clouds
‘Solar radiation modification’ will have its moment in the sun — an approach that includes polluting the stratosphere with sulphur...
TROUW: Wat als het allemaal niet genoeg is?
- Oud-politici pleiten voor onderzoek naar klimaatinterventies By Daan Marselis | 16 September 2023 Acht jaar na het...
GEO: Miroirs géants dans le ciel, particules réfléchissantes -
- Un panel international réclame un moratoire sur la géoingénierie solaire. By GEO (avec AVP) | 16 Septembre 2023 "Les pays devraient...
AEF INFO -Climat-un rapport invite à intensifier la recherche -
- sur la controversée modification du rayonnement solaire By ÉMILIE LEGENDRE | 15 September 2023 "Care", ou protéger : tel est le...
TAGESSPIEGEL: Kommission will SRM-Experimente vorerst verhindern
Der Tagesspiegel | 15 September 2023 Ein Gremium aus Vertretern internationaler Organisationen und ehemaligen Politikern hat einen...
THE CONVERSATION: We are poised to pass 1.5℃ of global warming –
- world leaders offer 4 ways to manage this dangerous time By Jonathan Symons | 15 September 2023 For three decades, the goal of...
THE MESSENGER: When the World Misses Climate Change Targets, This Is What Happens Next
A report released Thursday by the Overshoot Commission suggests how to manage a world where significant warming has already happened By...
JAWAPOS: Experts Call for Global Moratorium on Earth's Climate Geoengineering Efforts
By Aulia Ramadhani | 14 September 2023 - Global experts urge the government to implement a moratorium on efforts to...
DUURZAAM NIEUWS: Geo-engineering te gevaarlijk, moratorium noodzakelijk
By DUURZAAM NIEUWS | 14 September 2023 Regeringen zouden een moratorium moeten instellen op pogingen om het klimaat van de planeet...
NOS: Advies - verbied het dimmen van de zon, maar doe wel meer onderzoek
By Marijn Duintjer Tebbens | 14 September 2023 Er is meer onderzoek nodig naar technische mogelijkheden die de zon dimmen....
BUSINESS INSIDER: Un panel de expertos pide una moratoria internacional
- Sobre la geoingeniería solar debido a sus graves peligros By Andrea Núñez-Torrón Stock | 14 Septiembre 2023 La Comisión...
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA: Wealthy nations should hasten emission reduction to avert 1.5 deg C overshoot
By PTI | 14 September 2023 New Delhi, Sep 14 (PTI) The world must rapidly intensify efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and...
LES ECHOS: Santé, lutte contre la faim, accès à l'énergie -
Les efforts mondiaux à la merci du changement climatique. La quasi-totalité des objectifs de développement durable sont menacés, alertent...
AFP: Refroidir la planète par la géoingénierie solaire ? Un commission d'anciens dirigeants réclame
By AFP | 14 Septembre 2023 Miroirs géants dans le ciel, particules réfléchissantes dans la stratosphère... Les projets de...
AFP: Expert Panel Warns Dimming The Sun Is Simply Too Risky to Try
By Marlowe Hood | 15 September 2023 Former political leaders and heads of international organisations called Thursday for national...
The Guardian: Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate
Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say: By Fiona Harvey | 14 September 2023...
REUTERS: Risky geoengineering should be banned, climate group says
By David Stanway | 14 September 2023 SINGAPORE, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Controversial technologies intended to offset the effects of...
CGTN AFRICA:Climate change global risks and ambitions to tackle them - Gonzalez
13 May 2023, Ramah Nyang See the full interview directly on Twitter.
LA REPUBBLICA: Raffreddare la Terra schermando il sole. La proposta sul tavolo Onu e dei governi
Immettere nuvole artificiali di zolfo nell'alta atmosfera: documenti dell'Unep, Commissione europea e Casa bianca esplorano soluzioni...
L'ACTUALITE: Bloquer les rayons du soleil pour refroidir la Terre
Par Stéphane Blais, le 2 aout 2023, MONTRÉAL — Dans quelques semaines, un groupe de gens influents qui incluent d’anciens chefs d’État...
TEDx: Why does climate overshoot matter? - Kim Campbell
May 7 2023 The 2015 Paris Agreement established a goal of limiting global warming to an increase of 1.5 degrees, but the world is...
PODCAST: Global Trade in a Decarbonizing World
27 June 2023 The global energy transition is unfolding in an increasingly fragmented world. The rise of green industrial policies aimed...
TUKO: Paris Agreement: Climate Change Stakeholders Warn Against Continued Global Warming
By Dennis Lubanga May 6 2023 Kenya Private Sector Alliance in partnership with AGRA and the Climate Overshoot Commission held a...
CAPITAL FM: Let's build coherent approach against risks linked to climate - Kalibata
Opinion by Agnes Kalibata, member of the Climate Overshoot Commission, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to the Food Systems Summit;...
CNBC: Climate Overshoot Commission Chair, Pascal Lamy, on CNBC Africa
2 May 2023 CNBC Africa spoke to the President of the Climate Overshoot Commission, Pascal Lamy, to breakdown what is expected from Africa...
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gegen die Hitze: Was kommt nach 1,5 Grad?
Neue Perspektiven und Chancen in der globalen Klimadebatte Chair Pascal Lamy interviewed by Kalina Oroschakoff, 31 March 2023 «Politisch...
REUTERS: How two weather balloons led Mexico to ban solar geoengineering
By Cassandra Garrison, 27 Mar 2023 Luke Iseman launches a balloon in Baja California, Mexico, April 11, 2022. Luke Iseman/Handout via...
POLITICO: UN climate report shows world is flying blind into the storm
Another thing to fear about climate change is how much scientists still don’t know. By Karl Mathiesen and Zia Weise, 20 Mar 2023 But a...
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