FINANCIAL TIMES: Geoengineering is worth the risk — provided we regulate it properly
REFORMA: Cómo afrontar los riesgos del sorbrepaso climático
DAILY MAVERICK: Tensions over fossil fuel phase-outs increase risk of climate overshoot
SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: Climate change-all possible solutions should be explored, but with caution
LE MONDE: OP-ED Commissioner's Pascal Lamy, Kim Campbell and Anote Tong
L'EXPRESS:"Dépasser la barre de 1,5 °C est possible, avec des effets potentiellement dramatiques"
Folha de Sao Paolo: "Conciliar economia e pauta climática exige abertura para ideias heterodoxas"
Chair Pascal Lamy speaks to France24 about the Commission:
Context: Climate overshoot and what we owe the next generation
CGTN AFRICA:Climate change global risks and ambitions to tackle them - Gonzalez
The China Council For International Cooperation On Environment And Development:
PODCAST: Global Trade in a Decarbonizing World
CNBC Africa: Commodity price & climate's impact on African businesses
CAPITAL FM: Let's build coherent approach against risks linked to climate - Kalibata
CNBC: Climate Overshoot Commission Chair, Pascal Lamy, on CNBC Africa
CNBC: Kim Campbell speaks out about the global crisis of rising sea levels and eroding coasts.
CNBC: Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon speaks on fossil energy in the climate crisis
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gegen die Hitze: Was kommt nach 1,5 Grad?
LE TEMPS: Pascal Lamy: «Nous avons le devoir moral de nous adapter à un réchauffement climatique...»
KOMPAS TV: Kim Campbell addresses Jakarta's flooding as a result of climate change
THE JAKARTA POST: Due to its severe risks, we must prepare for a climate overshoot
THE NEW STATESMAN: Pascal Lamy on the climate crisis:
ENERGY INTELLIGENCE: Ronan Kavanagh discusses the risk of missing the Paris Agreement Goals
CLIMATE HOME NEWS: Former presidents of Mexico, Niger, Kiribati join commission to tackle overshoot